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Case studies of energy-saving(Press)

Case studies of energy-saving - Press

Case of company that manufactures Electronic equipment parts
Machine Press
Operating hour for one year 8000Hr
Cost per kWh 14cents/kWh
Cost down by energy-saving effect for one year 32960kWh
money Cost down by energy-saving effect for one year   $4,620down
eco※1 CO2gas reduction for one year  18.3t DOWNdown
kWh×0.555(kg):The low of global warming control artcle3.1 in Japan

Power consumption of conventional hydraulic unit

Power consumption of SUPER UNIT

Comparison of power consumption

Power consumpion
(Averge When operating)
about 72% reduced

Model Pressure Motor capacity Tank capacity
Before Conventional hydraulic unit Tandem gear pump 12.5MPa 5.5kW 200L
After SUPER UNIT SUT10D6021 12.5MPa Equivalent to 5.0kW 100L
money※1 Cost down by energy-saving effect for one year  $4,620 down
eco※2 CO2gas reduction for one year 18.3t DOWN down
This is a case study of energy-saving case in Japan. We assume that operating time is 8000hours for one year and ¥15 per kWh($1=¥107)
kWh×0.555(kg):The low of global warming control artcle 3.1 in Japan